Meet the Hood Museum Challenge

Dartmouth celebrates Hood Museum reopening
After three years of construction, art lovers, patrons, and the public at large are getting their chance to experience the newly reopened and expanded Hood Museum of Art for themselves.
A dinner for museum board members on Thursday, January 24, launched four days of celebratory events on campus, including a Friday afternoon dedication ceremony in Alumni Hall with Dartmouth President Philip J. Hanlon '77, Provost Joseph Helble, Dartmouth Trustee Chair Laurel Richie '81, and John Stomberg, Virginia Rice Kelsey 1961s Director of the museum. A public reception followed the dedication. Later that evening, a private reception and dinner was held at the Hanover Inn.
Hundreds of people turned out for the museum open house on Saturday, exploring the new gallery spaces and seeking out their favorite works in fresh settings. A director-led building tour on Sunday concluded the opening activities. Said Hood Board of Advisors emeritus chair Jon Cohen ’60 TU’61, an early champion of the expansion: “The dream has come true.”