Why I Give

Gifts of all sizes make an impact. These donors share why they answered The Call to Lead.

“Dartmouth is a special place. I give so that others may receive a life-changing educational experience.”

Kenneth L. Mickens ’76

“My daughter and I both attended Dartmouth. I had many great memories of Dartmouth Hall during the pursuit of my Spanish literature degree. One thing that I do remember was that Dartmouth Hall could have been better for the programs offered there. This is my contribution to the language programs and the memory of Professor Rassias, who inspired me to become a Spanish TA. I’m also proud that Dartmouth welcomed my daughter and allowed me to attend at least one class together with her in Dartmouth Hall. This gift expresses my family’s gratitude for the educations we both received there. It’s also a testament to our commitment to the education of women at our alma mater.”

Eric C. Taylor ‘84 & Haley A. Taylor ‘19

“Paying forward the generosity of prior alumni donors who enabled me to attend Dartmouth.”

Vikram Krishnan ’98

“The lone pine above her and the loyal sons who love her.”

Charles Mathias ’68 MED’70

“My experiences at Dartmouth and the connections I made there have shaped who I am and what I do in more ways that I can describe. I want to be sure that financial constraints do not keep others away from those invaluable experiences.”

Katie Wade ’01

“So proud to be part of the Big Green. Dartmouth continues to inspire and lead in countless ways. I want to make sure others have a chance to experience this magical place.”

Andy Russell ’88

“I know my Dartmouth experience was made possible by those who came before me. I intend to pay it forward and have given every year since graduation.”

Carrie Kuss Denning ’96

“Dartmouth gave me a scholarship for my four years, so this is a chance to give back so future students can have the same support.”

Edward Gingras ’64

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